Rules of Public Dialogue

Матеріал з Енциклопедія громадянина
Версія від 23:44, 29 листопада 2024, створена Admin (обговорення | внесок) (Правила взаємодії у фейсбук-групі публічного діалогу)
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This is a verified article. If you notice any unconfirmed information or misleading statements, let's discuss them
This is an article about the fundamental principles of the project

Principles of Public Dialogue of the Citizen's Encyclopedia[ред.]

The method of public dialogue in the Encyclopedia is based on the exclusion of hypotheses. It is rooted in the Socratic method and can be summarized in a few key principles:

1. Dialogue is impossible without all participants adhering to basic rules of politeness. Therefore, courtesy is an essential condition for participation.

2. Arguments in the dialogue may include proofs (documents, photos, or videos) and logical assumptions or conclusions. An argument cannot be a reference to the opinion of an expert or based on feelings.

3.Editors’ Agreement: the editors of the Encyclopedia agree to change verified texts or rules of conduct when the opponent’s arguments are convincing—meaning the initial text or rule does not stand up to critical examination.

4. The result of the dialogue is recorded in the form of screenshots in the change logs regardless of whether the text was changed as a result.

Rules of Interaction in the Facebook Group of Public Dialogue[ред.]

1. Response from the Encyclopedia Editor will be given to all appropriate questions. Appropriate questions are those where the author wishes to suggest a change to any text in the Encyclopedia and behaves politely.

2. After each discussion, a reasoned decision will be made regarding whether changes will be made to the text or not.

3. Reasons for Banning a Group Member:

  • Rude Behavior: unprovoked violations of respectful behavior towards others, which go against the norms of interpersonal communication;
  • Advertising in the Group including political promotional content.